Tuesday 22 January 2013

Algeria attack poses fresh security issues

LONDON (AP) ? The deadly attack on an Algerian natural gas complex will do little to discourage the drive for lucrative energy exploration in northern Africa, experts say, but it is forcing companies to increase security after largely ignoring the risks of operating in the remote desert region.

Spanish, Norwegian and British oil companies quickly evacuated workers from Algerian energy facilities in the wake of the well-coordinated hostage taking by Islamic militants, which ended in bloody chaos in an Algerian raid. Energy companies are loath to discuss the issue, but experts say the financial bounty is too high to scare away firms like gas giant BP and Norway's Statoil for long.

"The risks are never going to be so much that they outweigh the rewards from working in these environments," Alison Lyall, a security analyst at Harnser Risk Group in Norwich, England, said Monday.

Lyall, author of a recent report for the European Commission on evaluating the costs of security, say companies in the exploration and production industry ? even those operating in risky areas ? have simply paid little attention to the issue.

"There is a strong enterprise culture which prides itself on taking risks," she said. "I can show you that the percentage spent on security on very high-value assets is shockingly low."

The assault last Wednesday on Algeria's Ain Amenas gas complex by a multinational band illustrates the danger posed by Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb and its offshoots, who have grabbed power propelled by long-simmering ethnic tensions in Mali and the revolution in Libya. In the wake of the violence, energy companies will have to study operations for possible flaws and upgrade contingency plans with information gleaned from the shock attack.

Ian McCredie, former vice president of corporate security for Royal Dutch Shell, said the threat had obviously been underestimated.

"There will need to be reassessment," said McCredie, now CEO of Forbes Research Group in the United States.

Nigel Inkster, a former senior British intelligence officer who heads a risk-analysis unit at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, said the incident raised questions both for oil companies and Algeria.

"The boardrooms of oil companies looking to work in Algeria are going to be convulsed by this, and uncertain of how to proceed," Inkster said. "It raises all sorts of concerns about all sorts of economic activity ... (including) uranium mines in Niger, which are pretty important to the global economy."

Algeria has taken a strong tack against the terrorists, rejecting offers of help from Britain, the U.S. and other to go it alone in a typical tough and uncompromising response. BP and Statoil were compelled to entrust their employees lives to the Algerian security forces, and that won't change ? at least immediately. Algeria insists that it has the know-how to assure the security of energy plants.

"We are going to reinforce the security and we will rely first of all on our own means," Algerian Energy Minister Youcef Yousfi said on Sunday, according to state news agency APS. "There is no question of accepting outside security forces."

BP and Royal Dutch Shell, whose employees in Nigeria have been the targets of gangs of kidnappers and militants, would not comment on security arrangements in Algeria. But Ted Jones, the CEO of specialist evacuation company Northcott Global Solutions in London, noted companies alarmed by the attack are scaling up their physical security, moving from unarmed to armed operations, and shifting nonessential staff to safer locations.

Companies can become complacent after a period of safe operation, he said, then change course when something terrible occurs.

"Suddenly something like this happens and they realize they're much closer to the danger ... and there's a sort of panic response, which is perfectly natural," he said.

The energy industry is not a new target. McCredie recalled that significant changes in security followed terror attacks in Saudi Arabia, including a 2004 hostage-taking incident at oil industry compounds at Khobar which ended in the deaths of 22 people.

"There have been all sorts of attacks in other places, Yemen, Syria, Iraq. These attacks are not unusual. What's unusual about this one is it was a big surprise. It shouldn't have been," McCredie said. Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb "had been making these threats for a long time. No one thought they had the capacity."

But, he said there are limits to what even extra security forces could accomplish in the battle against terrorists.

"They are mobile, it's a huge vast area, very, very difficult to police, and difficult to keep up surveillance, so a small number of people can have the element of surprise," McCredie said. "Security forces can't patrol the whole area."


AP reporters Gregory Katz, Jill Lawless and Cassandra Vinograd in London and Greg Keller in Paris contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/algeria-attack-poses-fresh-security-issues-173935660--finance.html

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Obama Pledges To Address Climate, Energy

60-Second Earth

In his second inaugural address, President Barack Obama said the U.S. must respond to the threat of climate change and lead the development of sustainable energy.

More 60-Second Earth

From President Barack Obama?s second inaugural address, January 21, 2013:

?We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms. The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist this transition. We must lead it. We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries?we must claim its promise. That is how we will maintain our economic vitality and our national treasure: our forests and waterways, our croplands and snowcapped peaks. That is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God.?

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=82ce63d3a71e28f3036e95f59d2b4eac

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Thursday 17 January 2013

Just say neigh: Horsemeat in burgers horrifies UK

A sign of Tesco supermarket is seen at a branch in Purley, south London, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. The Irish food safety watchdog said Tuesday that it had discovered traces of horse and pig DNA in burger products sold by some of the country's biggest supermarkets. Tesco that authorities said was made of roughly 30 percent horse. Tesco, the country's biggest supermarket chain, took out full-page newspaper ads Thursday Jan. 17, 2013 to apologize for an unwanted ingredient in some of its hamburgers: horsemeat. Ten million burgers have been taken off shop shelves after the revelation that beef products from three companies in Ireland and Britain contained horse DNA. Most had only small traces, but one type of burger sold by Tesco was 29 percent horse. The contrite grocer told customers that "we and our supplier have let you down and we apologize." (AP Photo/Sang Tan)

A sign of Tesco supermarket is seen at a branch in Purley, south London, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. The Irish food safety watchdog said Tuesday that it had discovered traces of horse and pig DNA in burger products sold by some of the country's biggest supermarkets. Tesco that authorities said was made of roughly 30 percent horse. Tesco, the country's biggest supermarket chain, took out full-page newspaper ads Thursday Jan. 17, 2013 to apologize for an unwanted ingredient in some of its hamburgers: horsemeat. Ten million burgers have been taken off shop shelves after the revelation that beef products from three companies in Ireland and Britain contained horse DNA. Most had only small traces, but one type of burger sold by Tesco was 29 percent horse. The contrite grocer told customers that "we and our supplier have let you down and we apologize." (AP Photo/Sang Tan)

A sign of Tesco supermarket is seen at a branch in Purley, south London, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. The Irish food safety watchdog said Tuesday that it had discovered traces of horse and pig DNA in burger products sold by some of the country's biggest supermarkets. Tesco that authorities said was made of roughly 30 percent horse. Tesco, the country's biggest supermarket chain, took out full-page newspaper ads Thursday Jan. 17, 2013 to apologize for an unwanted ingredient in some of its hamburgers: horsemeat. Ten million burgers have been taken off shop shelves after the revelation that beef products from three companies in Ireland and Britain contained horse DNA. Most had only small traces, but one type of burger sold by Tesco was 29 percent horse. The contrite grocer told customers that "we and our supplier have let you down and we apologize." (AP Photo/Sang Tan)

(AP) ? In Britain, a horse is a horse ? not a main course.

Tesco, the country's biggest supermarket chain, took out full-page newspaper ads Thursday to apologize for an unwanted ingredient in some of its hamburgers: horsemeat.

Ten million burgers have been taken off shop shelves after the revelation that beef products from three companies in Ireland and Britain contained horse DNA. Most had only small traces, but one burger of a brand sold by Tesco had meat content that was 29 percent horse. The contrite grocer told customers that "we and our supplier have let you down and we apologize."

Reaction to the scandal in Britain goes beyond concerns about contaminated food. While people in some countries happily dine on equine flesh, in the land of Black Beauty and "National Velvet," the idea fills many with horror.


Mary Creagh, environment spokeswoman for the opposition Labour Party, reflected the feelings of many when she said Thursday that eating horsemeat is "strongly culturally taboo in the United Kingdom."

She was echoing prohibitions in Western cultures that go back to 732 A.D., when Pope Gregory III declared horse-eating a pagan practice.

Horsemeat has never been a staple of European diets, but from the mid-19th century it was eaten in countries including Britain as cheap filler food for the poor.

"It tended to be in burgers and potted meats and sausages as cheap supplementary food," said culinary historian Annie Gray. "And it wasn't always labeled, just as we're finding out at the moment."

The sale of horsemeat in the U.K. continued through the 1930s Depression and World War II, when many foods were rationed.

But hippophagy ? eating horses ? never really caught on in Britain, a land of horse lovers and beef eaters.

"The eating of beef is totally symbolic of being English," Gray said ? so horse was always going to be seen as a poor substitute.


Horsemeat is eaten in European countries such as France, Belgium and Italy, as well as by many in China, among the traditionally nomadic people of Central Asia and in parts of Latin America.

In France, specialist horse butchers and supermarkets sell "viande chevaline." There and in Belgium it's popular both cooked and raw, in a form of steak tartare.

Continental journalists have felt the need to explain the context of the Anglo-Irish scandal to readers. An article in 20minutes.fr said the horsemeat discovery had caused a "psychological shock for British consumers, who are no fans of horsemeat butchers." France's Le Figaro newspaper explained that the Irish "are known for their respect of this animal ... and are not in the habit of eating its meat."

Animal-rights campaigners including actress Brigitte Bardot have made little headway against the horsemeat trade, though concerns have arisen over animal welfare. In Belgium, the supermarket chain Lidl stopped selling horsemeat in 2011 after concerns about the treatment of animals by its Latin American suppliers.

Some of the horsemeat eaten in Europe comes from Britain, whose love of horses doesn't stop it from sending thousands of horses a year abroad to be killed for meat.


Fans of horsemeat say it is extremely healthy: low in cholesterol and fat, high in protein and omega-3 acids.

"I think it's delicious," said Caroline Roddis, a freelance writer who organizes Flogging a Dead Horse, a series of dining events at which horsemeat is served. "It is slightly sweeter than beef and it has got such a good depth of flavor it is hard not to like it."

Roddis reports a healthy interest in her London events, which draw as many as 50 British and foreign diners a night to sample the delights of horseflesh.

She hopes the "horseburger" scandal will make people think more about what they eat.

Officials say the source of the contamination may be a powdered beef-protein additive imported from Spain and the Netherlands to pad out the cheapest burgers, which typically contain between 60 and 70 percent meat alongside flour, water and other fillers.

"We don't really think (about) what we are putting in our mouths," Roddis said. "You go to the supermarket and you buy something that looks pinkish and has a label and you don't really think about where it comes from. I think we've really lost touch."


The handful of hardy entrepreneurs who sell horsemeat in Britain say the scandal has ? paradoxically ? been good for business, raising the profile of a meat few had considered.

"We've been very busy the last couple of days," said Paul Webb, director of Exotic Meats, a company in the English Midlands that sells horse burgers, sausages and steaks alongside cuts of crocodile, kangaroo and impala.

He says typical horsemeat buyers are "middle-aged, middle-class people who want to try something different."

"We've done some radio phone-ins, and 90 percent of the comments were 'I'd try it,'" Webb said.

But not everyone was convinced: "Some people say, 'I have a horse. It'd be like eating my grandmother.'"

Jill Lawless can be reached at http://Twitter.com/JillLawless

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2013-01-17-Britain-Horsemeat%20Horror/id-878d8be0caca4cf484872546092376eb

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Wall Street hits five-year high at open on data, eBay

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks hit a five-year high at the open on Thursday after better-than-expected results from online marketplace eBay and as data showed first-time claims for unemployment benefits dropped to a five-year low.

The Dow Jones industrial average <.dji> gained 31.80 points, or 0.24 percent, to 13,543.03. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index <.spx> gained 3.67 points, or 0.25 percent, to 1,476.30. The Nasdaq Composite Index <.ixic> gained 12.66 points, or 0.41 percent, to 3,130.20.

(Reporting by Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Nick Zieminski)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/futures-signal-mixed-wall-street-open-092255915--finance.html

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Wednesday 16 January 2013

US Minorities Less Likely to Get Colon Cancer Screening - Health.com

January 15, 2013

Colorectal Cancer U.S. Minorities Less Likely to Get Colon Cancer Screening: Study

TUESDAY, Jan. 15 (HealthDay News) ? Minority patients in the United States are less likely than whites to be screened for colorectal cancer, a new study finds.

Researchers analyzed national data from between 2000 and 2005 and found that 42 percent of whites were screened for colorectal cancer, compared with 36 percent of blacks, 31 percent of Asians and Native Americans and 28 percent of Hispanics.

Although it is widely believed that lack of access and money are the main barriers to getting screenings, this study found that other factors play a role in the lower screening rates for minority patients.

These factors include transportation issues, difficulty getting paid time off from work and low levels of health literacy, which is the ability to read, understand and use health information.

High levels of fatalism ? the view that getting a disease is a matter of luck or fate ? and low levels of health literacy among low-income Hispanics may play a strong role in whether they seek out colorectal cancer screening, according to the study, which was published in the December 2012 issue of the journal Health Affairs.

?Racial and ethnic minorities have unique challenges navigating the health care system, in some cases because they are immigrants and there are language issues, or they live in areas with high levels of uninsurance or ? few gastroenterologists,? study author Jim Stimpson, director of the Center for Health Policy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, said in a center news release.

Stimpson outlined some possible solutions, including:

  • Identifying and providing incentives for doctors to perform colonoscopies in underserved areas, which could include paying doctors more.
  • Providing patients with transportation to clinics.
  • Training other health care providers to perform colonoscopies under the supervision of a gastroenterologist via telemedicine.

?Colorectal cancer screening saves lives,? Stimpson said. ?We need to increase the number of people who get this screening, and especially focus on solutions that reduce the disparity in screening for racial or ethnic minorities.?

More information

The U.S. National Cancer Institute has more about colorectal cancer screening.

HEALTHDAY Web XSmall U.S. Minorities Less Likely to Get Colon Cancer Screening: Study

Source: http://news.health.com/2013/01/15/u-s-minorities-less-likely-to-get-colon-cancer-screening-study/

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Tuesday 15 January 2013

Union: School Bus Strike To Begin Wednesday Morning

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Monday 14 January 2013

Kentucky Route Zero review | bit-gamer.net

Publisher: Cardboard Computer
UK Price (as reviewed): ?4.99 Incl. VAT
US Price (as reviewed): $7.99 Excl. Tax

You could describe Kentucky Route Zero in a whole bunch of ways. You could say that it's an adventure game or an art-game, for example. You could say that it's an essentially an interactive music video.

All of these descriptions would be true, but none of them would be accurate.

Instead, the best way to describe Cardboard Computer's opening act of this five-part title would be to say that it's a piece of interactive fiction - though on a scale more like a Choose Your Own Adventure novel than something like A Mind Forever Voyaging. In fact, that's what you're doing for most of the game; choosing your adventure.

You see, while Kentucky Route Zero may be presented similarly to an adventure game, it ultimately bears little resemblance to the rest of the genre once you push past the interface. There are no puzzles to tax your dim wits (not beyond finding locations anyway) and there's no inventory or parser to deal with either.

Instead, there's just a story being told and a few tools which allow you to bend it to your will. Mostly this is done through dialogue trees and the order in which you visit locations.

This might sound dull, but it's actually no bad thing at all. Storytelling is what Kentucky Route Zero does best of all and by focusing on that to the exclusion of predictable conventions means it's able to shine in a way that it otherwise wouldn't.

It's worth noting that 'storytelling' doesn't immediately denote 'cutscenes' in this case either; Kentucky Route Zero works more than through just simple exposition. It's the culmination of the music, art style, writing and even interface which work to convey Kentucky's narrative. Simple things, like minimalist maps showing only white roads on black backgrounds help communicate how Cardboard Computer want you to see the world; as a journey and not just a series of destinations.

The tool Cardboard Computer wields best of all though is a sense of unreality and mystery. There's a constant but gentle confusion saturated in to Kentucky Route Zero which makes it both compelling and mystical. Again, it's the little things that do it - poems used for computer passwords and spontaneous changes in which character you're playing.

Boiled down to the absolute basic near-certainties, Kentucky Route Zero is the tale of a delivery driver trying to complete his last shipment. All he has to do is find the house and drop off his boxes of antiques, but to do that he's told to find 'Route Zero' - and that path leads him off on magical tangents.

That's magical in more than one sense, by the way. It's not ever explicitly stated, but the bluegrass soundtrack combined with the art style would seem to place Kentucky Route Zero in America's Great Depression. Couple that with the focus on mystical backwaters and Kentucky Route Zero exemplifies the sort of bleak, magical setting seen in shows such as Carnivale.

Source: http://www.bit-tech.net/gaming/pc/2013/01/14/kentucky-route-zero-review/1

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'Kaepernicking' is all the craze after 49ers win

Move over, Tim Tebow. Kaepernicking is all the craze now.

In the wake of San Francisco's 45-31 victory over the Green Bay Packers in Saturday night's NFC divisional playoff, 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick's touchdown celebration of flexing his right arm and kissing his bicep has taken off on social media.

Several 49ers fans have posted pictures of themselves in the act at home, in bars, on the street, at work or just about any other place they frequent. Some even positioned their toddlers or dogs in the position. Others made online videos.

Kaepernicking had started weeks ago after the quarterback replaced Alex Smith, though the act has increased during San Francisco's run to the NFC title game against Atlanta. Kaepernick has often retweeted other fans' pictures of the act on Twitter.

Tebowmania? That's so last season.

Tebow, a dedicated Christian, had kneeled down in prayer following scores during Denver's improbable run to the playoffs last year. He faded with the New York Jets this season, and so did Tebowing.


Online: http://pro32.ap.org/poll and http://twitter.com/AP_NFL

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/kaepernicking-craze-49ers-win-213316460--nfl.html

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Surprising twist to protein misfolding discovered

Jan. 14, 2013 ? An effort to develop software that unravels the complexities of how proteins fold is paying dividends in new findings on how they misfold, according to researchers at Rice University.

The study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by chemist Peter Wolynes and his team at Rice's BioScience Research Collaborative should be of particular interest to those who probe the roots of degenerative diseases associated with the aggregation of amyloid fibers in the body. These include Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and Type 2 diabetes.

The molecular dynamics software to predict how strands of residues bend and twist into their functional shapes is designed to follow Wolynes' and his colleagues' groundbreaking "principle of minimal frustration." These residues, the molecular beads that make up proteins, follow the path of least resistance as they fold into their native states. The principle describes how evolution has shaped the path a protein takes toward stability.

The software, called AWSEM-MD (for associative memory, water-mediated structure and energy model) simulates the possible ways beads in a strand should fold, based on the energies at play down to the submolecular level, and accurately predicts the final structure. Two developers of the current version, Weihua Zheng, a postdoctoral researcher at Rice, and Nicholas Schafer, a graduate student, are co-authors of the new paper, the latest in a series on folding dynamics dependent on the software.

The researchers set out to confirm that a process seen by experimentalists called domain swapping is one cause of protein misfolding. Domains are conserved parts of protein chains. Occasionally, a domain in one chain may encounter its doppelg?nger in a nearby chain and become entangled with it via interactions similar to those in the correctly folded state.

The result is often a dimer -- a kind of protein Siamese twin -- that probably won't be able to perform its intended biological task and may become part of a damaging amyloid fibril. "Experimentalists had some strong laboratory evidence that dimerization is a consequence of minimal frustration, an idea proposed earlier by our group on more general grounds," Wolynes said. "So we figured it would be nice to do a simulation to check it."

The team did indeed see domain swapping in their models of human cardiac titin, a muscle protein. But they were surprised to see something they weren't looking for: evidence that identical sequences in neighboring chains, as short as five to seven residues, had the unfortunate tendency to find each other and stick together.

They found instances of such "self-recognition" tipped the balance of energies that dictated whether a protein would fold properly. Replacing just a few residues in one fragment eliminated self-recognition and lowered the incidence of domain swapping, Wolynes said.

"We weren't the people who thought of this as a possibility," he said. "It had been suggested by others, although I never really believed it because it doesn't have an obvious connection to the principle of minimal frustration." But the simulations showed instances where sticky self-recognition in one segment of a chain could affect the energy of residues down the line and effectively introduce "frustration" that keeps the rest of the protein from folding at all and results in high disorder, or entropy.

While the models don't directly connect to the formation of amyloid fibrils, Wolynes said, anecdotal evidence indicates protein-folding diseases have some correlation with fevers that allow the extra entropy to stabilize the misfolded forms. "Our results would provide a new explanation," he said, for how a disordered part of the chain can contribute to the stability of these misfolded states at high temperature.

"When you hear 'take two aspirins and call me in the morning,' your doctor is doing you a bigger favor than you know," Wolynes said.

The discovery could open paths for researchers to design drugs that inhibit specific interactions. "Very minor changes seem to destroy this self-recognition in the computer simulation, and that's what we want the experimentalists to do: Make those changes to see if they decrease the self-recognition effect," he said.

"Our simulations provide structural details of misfolded proteins at the molecular level that are difficult for experiments to probe," Zheng said. "These can generate specific hypotheses they can test."

The researchers hope their work will be useful to both experimentalists and other computational protein-folding researchers.

"AWSEM is hosted on Google Code, which requires all code to be open-source," Schafer said. "So it's available to anyone who wants to use it. What we're seeing with these studies is that the values we get by applying the principle of minimal frustration are appropriate globally, not just for predicting the native structures of proteins. It can predict bound structures (like dimers) and misfolded structures as well.

"You always have to be careful about using models that 'rig the deck' in favor of a particular anticipated result," he said. "But what's interesting is that our model doesn't have any information a priori about these specific types of misfolded structures. Our model is parameterized using as input only experimental data for properly folded structures and then applying the principle of minimal frustration. The wide range of successes we've had this year tells me that we have a decent method for deriving the strengths of the interactions."

"We never really thought about specific kinds of misfolding or the aggregation process when we built our model around the principle of minimal frustration," Zheng said. "But they all fall into place."

Garegin Papoian, the Monroe Martin Associate Professor at the University of Maryland, and Aram Davtyan, a graduate student in his lab, designed and programmed most of the current version of AWSEM; this version built upon previous development by Cecilia Clementi, the Wiess Career Development Chair and a professor of chemistry and of chemical and biomolecular engineering at Rice, and others in Wolynes' labs at the University of California at San Diego and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Rice University. The original article was written by Mike Williams.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Weihua Zheng, Nicholas P. Schafer, and Peter G. Wolynes. Frustration in the energy landscapes of multidomain protein misfolding. PNAS, January 14, 2013 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1222130110

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_health/~3/BrPht9ivGM0/130114161503.htm

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Sunday 13 January 2013

Telepresence Robot Rundown

Unfortunately your comparison doesn't hold. The Altair was a large box that could process a little information for a lot of money. The S3 is smaller, cheaper and can process more information. Everything has changed.

However, a robot still has to deal with the same physical world, the same uneven floors, dirty carpets, pets, limited battery life and the general real world physicality. It doesn't matter if you have a better processor since the actual "rubber hits the road" part of the robot hasn't changed, a

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/MkFxHVhloLc/story01.htm

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Pro Version of Popular Logo Game Hits Apple App Store

January 12, 2013 in Games

[prMac.com] McLean, Virginia - The team at ICON, LLC has been hard at work creating a pro version of popular Logos Test game. You played other logo apps and already know your basic logos. So are you ready to graduate to the next level? Then get Logos Test Pro now and prove your mastery of logos in four Sections: Cars, Fashion, Apps and Companies. We scoured the globe looking for logos that are not commonly found in other apps. Then we individually edited each logo to obscure it for added challenge.

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Device Requirements:
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Pro Version of Popular Logo Game Hits Apple App Store

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Pro Version of Popular Logo Game Hits Apple App Store

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Pro Version of Popular Logo Game Hits Apple App Store

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Pro Version of Popular Logo Game Hits Apple App Store

posted Jan 12, 2013 at 9:01 am on whataboutmac.com | Macintosh News and Reviews.

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Source: http://prmac.com/release-id-53344.htm

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Teaching Self-Esteem Harms Academic Achievement - Col?lege In ...

Posted by Hans Bader ?? Friday, January 11, 2013 at 3:55pm

Self-control, not self-esteem, leads to academic success, researchers have found. Indeed, teaching self-esteem actually harms students? achievement and work ethic.

?In one study, university students who?d earned C, D and F grades ?received encouragement aimed at boosting their self-worth.? They did worse than students with similar grades whose self-esteem had been left alone. ?An intervention that encourages [students] to feel good about themselves, regardless of work, may remove the reason to work hard,?? notes ?Roy Baumeister, a Florida State professor who?s studied the topic for years. ?Self-control is much more powerful and well-supported as a cause of personal success,? he says.?

In January 2012, the Washington Post reported on the failure of self-esteem to improve educational achievement: due to the self-esteem fad, American students? self-esteem outstripped their achievement, which fell compared to their international peers. U.S. eighth-graders did worse in math than their peers in countries like Singapore and South Korea, but felt better about themselves and their ability in math.

??We used to think we could hand children self-esteem on a platter,? Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck said. ?That has backfired.?? Yet, ?for decades, the prevailing wisdom in education was that high self-esteem would lead to high achievement.? That false ?theory led to an avalanche of daily affirmations, awards ceremonies? and time-consuming feel-good exercises in our schools.

So now, teachers in some school systems are ?tempering praise to push students? to achieve more rather than just feel good about themselves. But in other school systems, there are ?self-esteem? teachers, who continue to teach students to feel important despite their own mediocrity, and to feel ?bullied? when their exaggerated ego is affronted by behaviors like ?eye-rolling? or critical comments from peers, which some self-esteem teachers claim is a form of ?bullying,? even though it is often constitutionally protected speech.

Years ago, while visiting my mother in Washington State, I heard a bossy ?self-esteem? teacher talking to then-Governor Lowry on a talk radio show, where he was a guest and she was a caller. ?Governor Lowry, I teach self-esteem,? she growled, in a deep, harsh voice that made her sound like a 300-pound bully. My cousin Gigi, who teaches special education in the state, says that self-esteem teachers are some of the angriest people around. Yet millions of tax dollars have been spent on such ?self-esteem? teachers.

Thanks to their inflated self-esteem, ?More students say they?re gifted in writing ability? than in the past, ?yet test scores show writing ability has gone down since the 1960s,? says psychologist Jean Twenge. ?And while in the late 1980s, almost half of students said they studied for six or more hours a week, the figure was little over a third by 2009 ? a fact that sits rather oddly, given there has been a rise in students? self-proclaimed drive to succeed during the same period.?

Achievement can be inversely related to self-esteem. ?American students, for example, took first place in self-judged mathematical ability in a comparative study of eight countries, but last place in actual mathematical competency. Korean students, in contrast, ranked themselves last in self-judged mathematical skills and took first place in actual mathematical performance.?

Government officials who link self-esteem to better performance have gotten causation backwards. It is better performance that eventually leads to higher self-esteem, not higher self-esteem that causes better performance.

As law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds has noted, government officials? misunderstanding of causation may also help explain government policies that contributed to the housing bubble, and government officials? misguided desire to send everyone (no matter how bored or disinterested in academics) to college (a policy that leads to many students dropping out of college after incurring large amounts of debt, or costing taxpayers a bundle for subsidized college tuition).




Source: http://collegeinsurrection.com/2013/01/teaching-self-esteem-harms-academic-achievement/

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Saturday 12 January 2013

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Make sure that your slogan and mission statement are visible on your site. This helps your website look more professional and shows it has a purpose, letting the visitor know exactly what your site is about. Doing this is a great way to bring attention to services that you offer.

Attach a personalized signature to your emails, with your name and a link to your site. Your signature is your online business card, so you should distribute it freely. Giving the recipient a glimpse of your business may result in a new customer and another sale.

The tag on your site can, and should, define you. Located in the browser window, this tag is crucial to how people identify what your site is about. If your message is unclear or unappealing you will lose potential customers before they even view body of your site.

Great writing goes a long way towards drawing in customers. People like adjectives, so be sure to use plenty of them. Come up with creative turns-of-phrase, and find ways to amaze people with your writing. Your customers will want to come back just for your content!

If you want to win with Internet marketing you should be serious about having great content on your site. Use different designs on your site including different color schemes, layouts and combinations of the two to see what will showcase your products best. You can never be certain what is really going to attract and hold your visitors, so everything is worth tinkering with.

To attract new customers, think about holding a low-priced sale that will bring in new customers. This can encourage traffic, build buzz, and increases exposure for your site and your products. In addition to selling the product that is on sale, you might also find that consumers are adding additional products to their shopping cart before checking out. Above all, you need to be very confident in what you?re selling to people.

When promoting a small business via internet marketing, pay attention to detail and the content you are providing your customers. Always make sure the information you offer is of high quality. Keeping your information fresh and updated is extremely helpful for visitors to your website.

The article above shows you how important it is to give your online marketing all of you effort. These tips will point you down the proper path to making money with your online marketing. Using this advice can help that work pay off.

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Wednesday 9 January 2013

Mali army fires warning shots to halt Islamist advance

BAMAKO (Reuters) - Malian soldiers fired warning shots on Tuesday at Islamist fighters pushing south towards their positions, military and diplomatic sources said, raising fears of the first clashes since militants seized Mali's north in April.

The capture of the northern two thirds of the arid West African nation by a loose coalition of Islamist groups has sown fears among Western and regional powers that Mali could become a haven for radicals to plot international attacks.

Peace talks between some of the northern rebel groups and the government are scheduled for Thursday in Ouagadougou, the capital of neighboring Burkina Faso, but growing military tensions threaten to derail them.

Ansar Dine, one of the main rebel factions, was one of several groups pushing southwards toward the line dividing government-held territory from arid northern Mali.

The group had announced it ended a ceasefire because of international plans to deploy an African-led force to drive radical al Qaeda-linked fighters from Mali's north.

Ansar Dine is seen as more hard-line than the Tuareg MNLA but less radical than MUJWA, which includes more foreign fighters and is considered to have ties with al Qaeda.

A military source said on Tuesday the Malian army fired heavy artillery during the night to persuade the Islamist fighters to halt their advance.

"The army fired warning shots at several points along the line during the night, to dissuade them," said the source at the defense ministry in Bamako.

The warning shots were confirmed by a Western diplomat.

Sanda Ould Boumama, a spokesman for Ansar Dine, refused to comment on whether any fighting had taken place.

Once an example of democracy and development in turbulent West Africa, Mali was plunged into crisis by a March 2012 coup which allowed Tuareg rebels to seize the country's north, demanding an independent homeland. Islamists who initially fought alongside them soon came to dominate the rebellion.

There appears scant chance of a breakthrough in this week's talks. Ansar Dine has insisted it will not drop its demands for Islamic law and autonomy for northern Mali, while President Dioncounda Traore, installed after March's coup, has insisted he will not compromise over Mali's secular state and territorial integrity.

(Reporting by Tiemoko Diallo in Bamako, Bate Felix in Dakar and Joe Bavier in Abidjan; Writing by Daniel Flynn; Editing by Tom Pfeiffer)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/mali-army-fires-warning-shots-halt-islamist-advance-125350257.html

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Saturday 5 January 2013

Mass. Gov. proposes new compounding pharmacy rules

(AP) ? Gov. Deval Patrick on Friday proposed tighter regulations on sterile compounding pharmacies following a deadly nationwide meningitis outbreak linked to a Massachusetts company.

The proposal comes as the New England Compounding Center is trying to place blame for the outbreak on a cleaning contractor that provided once-a-month services to NECC's cleanroom facilities.

The outbreak linked to NECC has been blamed for 39 deaths and hundreds of illnesses nationwide.

Patrick said he's filing a bill that would require compounding pharmacies to obtain a special state license that he said would make it easier for regulators to hold them accountable. The bill would also create whistleblower protections for pharmacy workers and enforce new fines and penalties for compounding pharmacies that break the rules.

"There is, of course, no action that we in government can take to prevent all abuses in all industries, but we must do what we can," Patrick said.

Patrick's bill would also require that out-of-state pharmacies that deliver and dispense medications in Massachusetts also obtain a state license.

Pharmacies and pharmacists would also have to report to an overhauled 11-member state oversight board whenever they are the subject of any disciplinary action by other state or federal agency, under the bill.

The Colorado pharmacy board had complained about the New England Compounding Center in July, before the third of three batches of tainted steroids tied to the outbreak was shipped in August, but the Massachusetts pharmacy board's director and attorney didn't notify leadership at the Department of Public Health.

Patrick said the change would enable the oversight board "to know when issues arise with Massachusetts' pharmacies doing business outside of our state." Patrick also wants to hire more inspectors to keep an eye on the industry.

Patrick's recommendation came as NECC sent a letter to UniFirst Corp., demanding it take legal responsibility for claims against the compounding center related to the outbreak.

The letter was referenced in a Thursday filing by UniFirst to the Securities and Exchange Commission. In the filing, UniFirst wrote that the demand relates to the once-a-month cleaning services they provided to NECC.

UniFirst said it believes the claims are without merit.

UniFirst spokesman Adam Soreff said in a statement the company's UniClean business sent two technicians to NECC monthly for 90 minutes each. He said the cleaners used the NECC's own cleaning solution.

"UniClean was not in any way responsible for NECC's day-to-day operations, its overall facility cleanliness, or the integrity of the products they produced," he said.

A tainted steroid produced by Framingham-based NECC, and given mainly for back pain, has been tied to the fungal meningitis outbreak, which was discovered in Tennessee in September.

The company has shut down and recalled its products. Inspections at NECC's facility found various potential contaminants, including standing water and mold. Last month, the company declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and said it was seeking to set up a fund to pay victims.

Messages were left for the attorney for NECC's insurance company requesting comment, including on whether letters similar to the one sent to UniFirst have or will be sent to other companies.

Patrick said the state needs to take other steps. He said he supports a bill proposed by Attorney General Martha Coakley that would raise the maximum fine for corporate manslaughter from $1,000 to $250,000.

The $1,000 penalty hasn't been updated since it was first established in state law nearly 200 years ago.

In November, Massachusetts also began requiring sterile compounding pharmacies to report the volume and distribution of their medications to state regulators for the first time. Patrick said the new rule will help alert the state when a pharmacy like NECC is acting like a manufacturer and should obtain a license from the federal Food and Drug Administration.

Compounding pharmacies custom-mix drugs in doses or forms that generally aren't commercially available.

"Taken together, these changes can ensure that the significant harms that we've seen from substandard compounding never happen again," Patrick said.


Associated Press reporter Jay Lindsay contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/bbd825583c8542898e6fa7d440b9febc/Article_2013-01-04-Meningitis%20Outbreak/id-aae8621fb3a04657911a1a493bc5f226

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Holidaying in Peru | BeCleanLiveGreen

Posted by Travel-and-Leisure:Destination-Tips Articles from EzineArticles.com on January 4, 2013

Peru is a beautiful country in South America that boasts a rich cultural heritage. Scenic locations, historical sites and several fun festivals make Peru a popular vacation destination. There are so many places to visit and so many things to see, that your Peru travel itinerary should be created well in advance!.....

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Source: http://www.becleanlivegreen.com/?p=91189

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Friday 4 January 2013

Fujifilm X20 and X100s details reportedly leak, put focus at center stage

Fujifilm X20 and X100s details reportedly leak, put focus at center stage

Fujifilm may have more than a few treats in store for shutterbugs this year. Details and photos have emerged that supposedly reveal the X20 and X100s, direct sequels to the company's well-known X10 and X100 cameras. Both semi-pro bodies could resemble their ancestors on the outside, based on Digicam-info's images, but reportedly tackle the autofocusing performance issues that have dogged the X-series up to the X-Pro1. Photo Rumors hears the two shooters will switch to a newer, faster hybrid (both contrast and phase detection) focusing system that also includes Sony NEX-style manual focus peaking, which provides a rough visual guide as to when a subject is as sharp as possible. A few model-specific upgrades may also be in store: the X20 might get a new X-Trans sensor, while the X100s could add a much sharper 2.4-megapixel OLED viewfinder (up from 1.4 megapixels) and a Digital Split Image feature that could once more help with focusing. Launch plans aren't part of the leak, although we may not have to wait long to hear about them. There's a prominent X-series banner at the CES 2013 venue, which hints that we may learn about the X20 and X100s as early as next week.

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Source: Digicam Info (translated), Photo Rumors

Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/Bb8kVc1u9Mo/

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India gang rape spurs national dialogue

An Indian woman who was the victim of a gang rape and brutal beating earlier this month in New Delhi has been flown to Singapore for treatment, while the rest of India debates women's safety.

By Shivam Vij,?Contributor / December 27, 2012

Indian protesters listen to a speaker during a protest against a recent gang rape of a young woman in a moving bus in New Delhi, India, Thursday. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh pledged Thursday to take action to protect the nation's women while the young rape victim was flown to Singapore for treatment of severe internal injuries.

Altaf Qadri/AP


The Indian government?s crackdown on the anti-rape protests that have continued for nearly two weeks in New Delhi has only aggravated public anger and concern about women?s safety.?

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The protests were sparked by the gang rape and brutal assault of a 23-year-old student on a bus in the elite South Delhi district on Dec. 16.?

As the girl battles for her life in a Singapore hospital, Indians are debating how to make the country safer for women. Ten days after the incident, it dominates newspaper headlines and op-ed pages, pushing to the margins stories like the retirement of cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, the popular Indian sportsperson, highlighting just how much the case has affected people.

Sexual harassment is rampant in India, and the public has been largely apathetic to women?s plight, but many are hoping the attack could be a turning point in the way India treats women.

Calls for capital punishment, including the chemical castration of rapists, have died down, with various women?s groups decrying them. Given that in 94 percent of rape cases the rapist is known to the victim, Nilanjana S. Roy, writing in The Hindu newspaper she wonders if the protestors would be okay with death penalty if it were their father, uncle, neighbors, or even if it meant convicting Indian security forces in conflict zones. ?

The Monitor reported that India is considering a fast-track court process to expedite rape cases and step up punishment for sexual violence on the heels of the bus rape incident.?

Beyond the law, what needs to happen, writes Shilpa Phadke, author of a book on women?s safety in Mumbai, has to do with how Indians use their streets: ?We are safer when there are more women (and more men) on the streets. When shops are open, when restaurants are open, when there are hawkers and yes, even sex workers on the street, the street is a safer space for us all.?

The outrage that this case has spurred might finally bring about a cultural change in India, Stephanie Nolen of The Globe and Mail suggests in a report:?

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/csmonitor/globalnews/~3/uX5i-porEqM/India-gang-rape-spurs-national-dialogue

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&#39;Super String Saturday&#39; coming up for Seattle Youth Symphony Jan. 26

West Seattle string students perform Side-by-Side with members of the Seattle Youth Symphony. Students in the get extra instruction through an outreach program offered by the SYSO. Their next performance is set for January 26 on Super String Saturday.

Partnership with Seattle Public Schools enhances musical education

Music will fill the air provided by the Seattle Youth Symphony on Saturday Jan. 26 in a midday concert experience ( 10 a.m.- 1 p.m.) as young violin, viola, cello and bass players from Southwest Seattle schools play on "Super String Saturday at Chief Sealth International High School.

The third annual even will showcase elementary and middle school string players who have been working with professional musicians in a program meant to enhance their musical knowledge. These musician "coaches" lead small group and individualized instruction to deepen the quality of the students' musical skills.

In a press release the Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestras (SYSO) filled in the details

"SYSO provides the coaches free to the Concord, Roxhill, Sanislo, Arbor Heights, Gatewood, West Seattle and Highland Park elementary schools and Denny International Middle School in the Southwest region of the school district -- an area which historically has had lower participation rates in instrumental music due to economic barriers.

For more than 20 years SYSO has been enhancing public school music education through its SYSO in the Schools Endangered Instruments program. More recently, the organization deepened its partnership with public schools by focusing on schools in Southwest Seattle. The Southwest Seattle String project was initiated in 2008 to provide music coaches to collaboratively teach with Seattle Public Schools' instrumental music teachers during the school day. In the elementary schools, SYSO coaches also offer a free before school lesson each week as well as coaching through the West Seattle Community Orchestra, essentially tripling the lesson time available to students and supplying private lessons completely free of charge. Several foundations and individual donors recognize the value of this program and have generously supported this program. Carla Lewis, President of Washington Women's Foundation - one of the SYSO in the School's major donors -- expresses how the SYSO's efforts fit the foundations mission:

"Washington Women's Foundation is proud to support Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestras' SYSO in the Schools program, which provides opportunities for students to receive high quality music instruction regardless of family finances. The program was so appealing to our Grant Committee because it allows many more young people to discover music and build important life skills - like focus, collaboration, self-discipline and confidence."

Additional significant support is provided by The Clowes Fund, Inc., Real Networks Foundation, the City of Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, ArtsWA, Target, Fales Foundation Trust, Eulalie Bloedel Schneider Foundation, D'Addario Music Foundation and Harvest Foundation.

The music that will be heard at Southwest Seattle Super String Saturday is evidence that this partnership with Seattle Public Schools has increased quality of and access to music education, as well as the development of other important life skills. As Carmela Dellino, former Roxhill Elementary principal and current SPS Executive Director for West Seattle Schools explains:

"We are so pleased to have SYSO's continued support of the young string musicians in our Southwest Seattle schools. The free coaching provided by SYSO gives these students access to high quality, individualized music lessons that families in this area might not otherwise be able to afford. When I was principal at Roxhill Elementary, I saw students who, because the SYSO coaches were there to nurture their musical skills, not only persevered in their instrument playing, but brought that same focus to other areas of study. These skills prepare students, even at the elementary level, for college and career."

Southwest Seattle Super String Saturday is also an opportunity for these young musicians to engage in peer-to-peer learning as they play alongside the top-level Youth Symphony, SYSO's flagship orchestra and one of the premier youth orchestras in the United States. Musicians as young as 9 or 10 will sit alongside an accomplished high school student, potentially on his or her way to a professional music career. The excitement generated by these side-by-side concerts is palpable, causing the younger students to aspire to the level of performance and dedication demonstrated by their older peers.

As the musicians play on the stage in the Chief Sealth High School auditorium they will discover that they are part of the historic redevelopment of a robust orchestra program at what - in a few years - will be their high school. Since the program began, orchestra enrollment at Denny International Middle School has increased 300%, necessitating three levels of orchestra classes. The time and resources that SYSO can offer in the early years of music education aligns with Seattle Public Schools' goal of equitable access to arts education K-12, as well as nurtures the future artists and arts audiences of our city.

In addition to the side-by-side concerts, activities will include a parent information session, scholarship information, chamber ensembles, string master classes, an "instrument petting zoo" sponsored by West Seattle Community Orchestras, plus resources and refreshments. For more information about Southwest Seattle Super String Saturday or the SYSO in the Schools program, please contact Kathleen Allen at 206.362.2300.

Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestras (SYSO) has a tradition of life-changing excellence and innovation. Founded in 1942, SYSO is the largest youth orchestra organization in the nation, providing direct instruction to over 1,500 students annually through four full orchestras, two summer programs (Marrowstone Music Festival and Marrowstone-in-the-City), and partnerships with local public schools. SYSO's flagship orchestra, the Seattle Youth Symphony, is one of the premiere youth orchestras in the U.S. Made up of the finest young classical musicians in the region, the Seattle Youth Symphony regularly delivers professional-caliber performances filled with the unrivaled energy and passion of youthful artistry. Internationally recognized guest conductors and soloists frequently perform with the orchestra, and members receive regular coaching lessons with distinguished artists from the Seattle Symphony and other regional orchestras and ensembles.

Washington Women's Foundation's mission is to educate and expand the number of women engaged in philanthropy, and to build and strengthen community through individual and large impact grants. The Foundation's members, now more than 500 strong, have invested $12.3 million of their own resources in nonprofit organizations in the last 17 years ($6.3 million in pooled grants; $6.0 million in individual grants). Membership is open to all women interested in philanthropy.

The Clowes Fund, Inc. is a family foundation established in 1952, in Indianapolis, Indiana; which makes grants in Indianapolis; Seattle, Washington; and northern New England to support human services, education and the arts.

Who: Young string musicians of Concord, Roxhill, Sanislo, Arbor Heights, Gatewood, West Seattle and Highland Park elementary schools and Denny International Middle School and SYSO's Youth Symphony Orchestra.
What: Performances by the Seattle Youth Symphony, SYSO Scholarship Chamber Ensembles, Southwest Seattle string students, and resources and activities for families and the community.
When: Saturday, January 26 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Where: Chief Sealth International High School Auditorium 2600 Thistle Street, Seattle WA.
Price: Free Ticket Purchasing: No tickets necessary, free community event

Source: http://www.westseattleherald.com/2013/01/03/news/super-string-saturday-coming-seattle-youth-sympho

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