Wednesday 10 October 2012

Understanding PR: Why Is it so Important? | Business 2 Community

Implementing a successful Public Relations strategy is a very complicated process. It involves a number of techniques used in other forms of marketing; which seems to confuse many of today?s up and coming business owners. Understanding its importance is the first step you need to take. From there you can begin developing the strategies, or possibly hiring the right people; to get the job done effectively.

What?s Involved in PR?

The first step to understanding the importance of PR is to figure out exactly what is involved, and sadly; there is never going to be an exact answer. Every PR strategy is going to be custom-tailored to the individual business, as any well-executed marketing plan should be. The following include some of the more commonly used techniques and can be used as a guideline for the things involved:

  • Press Releases- Press releases are an excellent way of updating the public about recent changes regarding your business and its products. They are often distributed online. Websites such as PR Web allow you to distribute your press releases throughout major news sites and search engines extremely quickly.
  • Media Alerts- Media alerts are similar to a press release. Instead of providing information about your company changes or products, you would inform the media about a conference or event you are holding. The idea behind this is to encourage photographers or reporters to attend, providing exposure for your company.
  • Press Tours- Identify the important and influential journalists or bloggers within your industry. Then provide a reason to get them to meet with you, or simply have a conversation. Create an interesting and newsworthy topic to do with your business for them to write about, aiming to make it interesting enough to the readers of the journalist or blogger. Hopefully, your company will then be put in front of readers that are directly interested in your niche.
  • Trade Shows- Attending trade shows specific to your industry are an excellent method for networking with influential people. It allows you to build up connections, develop your brand, and generate interest in your company.
  • Email Marketing- Whilst this technique is often heavily associated with internet marketing, it often plays a key role within a PR expert?s toolkit. The idea is to create a database of potential and existing customers. You will then use it to email them with information regarding your industry, or present them with your new products.
  • Social Networking- With the recent rise in active social media users, the purpose of social media from a business perspective has risen dramatically. The idea is to build and maintain relationships with your potential and existing customers.

Understanding these techniques and how they work is one thing, but actually implementing them effectively requires an expert; or at least someone that has some type of experience. This is why most businesses are choosing to hire agencies or freelancers to carry out their PR.? When you combine the above techniques with a clear plan, and you have the right resources to carry it out, the end result is hugely beneficial for businesses.

The Benefits Of Successful PR

Cost Effective Brand Awareness

Developing a Public Relations strategy has often been described as the most cost-effective method for raising brand awareness, and it is obvious why. The majority of PR can be done at a surprisingly cheap price, in comparison to traditional advertising methods. It doesn?t cost a great deal to distribute a press release, develop a social presence, or attend a press tour. And when you do these things correctly, your products or message will be placed directly in front of the eyes of the right people.

Develop Credibility

Using PR as a marketing tool also allows you to gain credibility for your business. Reason being, PR presents people with information from a third party. We are much more likely to trust positive coverage about companies that we read in a newspaper, magazine, or on an online press release. Compare that to the only alternative that will reach the same volume of audience, such as using television, billboards, radio or other advertising methods. When you compare the two, you can see why more and more businesses are starting to develop PR strategies.

Overall, developing a successful PR strategy is fundamental in taking businesses to the next level. To summarise, it provides the following benefits:

  • It provides a vital role in promoting businesses to their customers.
  • When done correctly, it can often provide a greater result than advertising, whilst costing less.
  • It allows you to quickly respond to opportunities within publicity.
  • If you ever experience bad press, having a solid PR strategy in place will reduce the damage caused.
  • It can improve the overall image of a company within the community.

Author: Daniel Blinman????

Daniel Blinman is an aspiring writer and is a big believer in using PR as a marketing strategy. ?He often blogs about PR on behalf of eclat, who are a specialist tech PR agency. He also works for Marketing By Web, who specialise in Search Engine Optimisation? View?full?profile


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'Fifty Shades' Producer vs. Writer Bret Easton Ellis

Writer Bret Easton Ellis has no trouble saying exactly what he thinks. The American Psycho author started a Twitter feud with the team behind the Fifty Shades of Grey movie by taking public issue with the their choice in screenwriter, Kelly Marcel.


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Harry & David's Warm Pear Pumpkin Pecan Cake ...

Pears and Harry & David?s Pumpkin Pecan Butter? Absolutely!

Together in a warm, gooey cake? Uh-huh!

Serve it up to friends who you love? You?ve got it, Baby!

Tonight is going to be magical.

In my back yard.

But more than magic, I?m bringing together friends from afar, who?ve traveled all day long to get to Oregon, to be a part of a unique blogging event with Harry & David, which is right in my home town. (Here?s a link to our dinner party in August.)

I like to think of tonight?s dinner as a celebration of Autumn and friendships.

Some of my dearest friends, whom I?ve met through blogging, live all over the USA. So it?s awesome when we get to meet up for conferences or blogging events with various companies?to connect and learn?and hopefully walk away inspired by the company, new friendships, and more. I really love being a part of connecting others.

One thing special to me, as my blogging friends visit the Rogue Valley, is that they get to meet my family, and my family gets to meet them!




So, dinner tonight ? why not make it special?

And why not make a killer dessert, when pears are so prevalent in our Rogue Valley.

I spent very little money on decor with Dollar Tree green glass plates. Why vary from my standard white of 21 years? I wanted to branch out and purposely chose a color that I will use for other holidays. Green?St. Patrick?s Day (yes, we are an Irish family), Spring and Fall entertaining, Thanksgiving. And of course, Christmas. It probably will be the best $16 I?ve spent in a long time.

Easy-made place cards using these plush pumpkins.

Naked tables soon turned into entertaining bliss.

Pumpkins. And a backyard party is never complete without our Cairn Terrier, Haggis McStitch, running around and ?protecting? us. :)

Bringing a little bit of Autumn inside.

The barren strawberry patch has a single pink pumpkin benefiting breast cancer research. (My Mom had breast cancer and ovarian cancer, so October is a very important month to me.)

So many more little touches. But I can?t give it all away here.

One thing I?m willing to share today is the warm pear cake recipe using Harry & David?s Pumpkin Pecan Butter. I think it?s the best combination and moistness yet!

So to all these wonderful people visiting Southern Oregon this week ?

There will be more to come ?

What is your favorite Autumn cake recipe? And have you thought about adding pumpkin, pear, or apple butter to the recipe?

Summary: You can substitute the pumpkin butter for applesauce. If you use a Bundt pan, put the sugar and pecan mixture on the bottom or the pan.


  • 4 c. chopped un-peeled pears, cut into 1/2?? pieces
  • 1/2 c. oil
  • 1/2 c. Harry & David?s Pumpkin Pecan Butter
  • 1 1/2 c. sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 c. flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 9?13 baking dish.
  2. Combine pears, oil, pumpkin butter (or applesauce), 1 1/2 cups sugar, eggs, flour, salt, cinnamon, and baking soda and mix well.
  3. Pour into baking dish.
  4. Sprinkle pecans and remaining sugar on top.
  5. Bake 45-50 minutes.
  6. Serve warm with ice cream or whipped cream.

Preparation time: 15 minute(s)

Cooking time: 45 minute(s)

Number of servings (yield): 8

Thanks for letting me share my iPhone pictures with you! Are you following me on Instagram? SandyCoughlinRE :)

Harry & David provided the food items and pumpkins for this dinner, but they did not pay me to write this post. As always, all opinions are my own.

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Lilly drug may help memory loss in mild Alzheimer's

(Reuters) - Eli Lilly and Co said its experimental Alzheimer's drug led to a 34 percent reduction in memory decline for patients with mild symptoms over a period of 18 months, giving it potential ammunition to seek approval of the medicine that failed to benefit more advanced stages of the disease.

Lilly in August said the medicine, solanezumab, did not meet the primary goal of halting progression of the memory-robbing disease in patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms in two late-stage trials.

But while some rival compounds have been relegated to the scrap heap after similar failures, Lilly indicated at the time that there were some signs that solanezumab had prevented cognitive decline for people at an earlier stage of the disease.

On Monday, the company presented results on the drug pooled from the two large studies that focused only on those with mild Alzheimer's.

Lilly's shares rose more than 4 percent as some investors were encouraged that the improvement could warrant consideration from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

"Today there are no medicines that slow progression of Alzheimer's and we think that ought to be considered as we go talk to regulators," David Ricks, head of Biomedicines for Lilly, said in a telephone interview.

"We'll make the argument this data is important in view of the high unmet need. But ultimately it's the FDA's judgment to make in terms of whether to let the drug on (the market) with these data," Ricks said.

The newly released data did not show that solanezumab offered protection against the loss of physical function.

But it will likely lend further credence to the theory that Alzheimer's must be attacked early in the progression of the disease for drugs to have an impact.

Dr. Ronald Petersen, Director of the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's Disease Research Center in Rochester, Minnesota, threw out a note of caution about the drug's prospects.

"What you are seeing in the data is statistically significant," he said. "But it's hard to say that this is going to be meaningful clinically."

Initial data unveiled in August created doubts about whether the drug could be approved by the FDA without large new studies. It followed disappointing results for Pfizer Inc's and Johnson & Johnson's bapineuzumab, which also failed in pivotal studies. Both treatments block a protein called beta amyloid that forms plaque deposits on the brain.

Eli Lilly shares rose 4.2 percent, or $2.03, to $50.27 in afternoon trading on the New York Stock Exchange

(Reporting By Ransdell Pierson and Bill Berkrot; additional reporting by Toni Clarke in Boston; Editing by Michele Gershberg, Richard Chang and Maureen Bavdek)


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Monday 8 October 2012

Video: Teens caught partying at family?s house thanks to Facebook

>>> lot of folks worry when they go on vacation. they lock the front door and hope everything will be fine when they get home. we have the story of a south carolina family that returned from vacation and everything appeared to be as they left it until they went online. nbc's janet shamlian has their story.

>> reporter: it's not unusual to find party pictures on facebook . but what if you logtd on and saw photos of a rowdy bash thrown by strangers, then realized you recognized the scene all too well?

>> i'm looking at this saying this is inside my house.

>> reporter: a south carolina man who asked not to be identified for his children's sake, says that's what happened while he and his family were on vacation, an out-of-control party in his home without his ever knowing about it.

>> one of them was, you know, dancing around with a funnel in his hand, the other one throwing up in the sink, a bunch of kids laying all over the floor.

>> reporter: the man says the intruders were his son's own classmates who he says owned up to his kids about what happened months after the july party.

>> the kids started chiming back on facebook saying, while you guys were in new york in july these guys had broke into the house.

>> reporter: the family never suspected when they returned from a trip to new york. the house looked exactly as they left it.

>> then they came back the next day, we found out, and cleaned everything up, put everything back, even did the dishes.

>> reporter: a broken screen is the only evidence.

>> right there.

>> reporter: the dad says the partiers toll his kids they pulled it out and got the in through an unlocked window. and this isn't the first time it's happened. a foreclosed home in the miami area was broken into earlier this year. police say a teen spray painted it, then posted a video online inviting everyone over to party.

>> you're sitting here feeling completely violated.

>> reporter: but the dad in south carolina says police tell him it's an open investigation, and they're using fphoto tags to identify the students.

>> if the kids weren't bragging about it or showing it via facebook , nothing would have came out of it. they would have gotten completely away with it.

>> reporter: busted by online sharing as photos reveal what had been a well-kept secret. for "today," janet shamlian , nbc news, houston.


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Tuesday 2 October 2012

6-hour webcast with live very large telescope observations for ESO's 50th anniversary

6-hour webcast with live very large telescope observations for ESO's 50th anniversary [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 1-Oct-2012
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Contact: Douglas Pierce-Price

For the first time in ESO's history, the VLT will be pointed towards an object in the sky selected by members of the public the Thor's Helmet Nebula (NGC 2359). This striking nebula was selected as part of the Choose What the VLT Observes competition. Brigitte Bailleul, from France, won the Tweet Your Way to the VLT! competition, and will travel to the Paranal Observatory in Chile to help make the observations. The live link to Paranal will show the observations and the telescopes on the mountaintop, in the stunning landscape of the Atacama Desert, letting viewers join Brigitte on her trip of a lifetime.

The webcast will be streamed free of charge through Livestream, and anyone may view it simply by visiting ESO's Livestream page. By creating a free Livestream account, and following ESO, viewers will receive updates and reminders for this and future Livestream events from ESO.

Furthermore, venues across ESO's Member States and beyond are hosting public events on 5 October, with a wide range of local activities supplementing the webcast. A list of ESO 50th Anniversary event venues is available online.

The webcast will run from 11:00 to 17:00 (CEST) on 5 October. It will be hosted by astronomer and host of the ESOcasts Dr J (Dr Joe Liske, from ESO). In addition to the live link to the Paranal Observatory in Chile, there will be talks from astronomers at ESO's Headquarters in Germany, on topics ranging from ESO's state-of-the-art telescopes, via the latest news from the frontiers of astronomy, to what the life of an astronomer is like. Chapters from ESO's anniversary movie, Europe to the Stars, will also be shown. Throughout the day there will be question and answer sessions, and the chance to test your ESO knowledge in a quiz to win some astronomical prizes!

This webcast gives viewers a unique opportunity to see inside the world's most productive ground-based astronomical observatory, as we celebrate ESO's first 50 years of exploring the southern sky.

Members of the public are invited to ask questions about the activities at the Paranal Observatory, the talks of the day, or general questions about ESO. You can send us your questions before the event, or during the webcast, in English in the following ways:

  • Send a tweet @ESO, also using the hashtag #ESO50years
  • Write a question on your Facebook wall in which you tag ESO's Facebook page ( To tag a page you must first "like" the page and then type @ESO Astronomy in your question. A menu will appear from where you have the option to choose our page, ESO Astronomy. See an example of a tag ("via ESO Astronomy") on this post:
  • Send an email to with the subject ESO50years. Optionally, please include your name and country.




Douglas Pierce-Price
ESO Public Information Officer
Garching bei Mnchen, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6759

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

6-hour webcast with live very large telescope observations for ESO's 50th anniversary [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 1-Oct-2012
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Contact: Douglas Pierce-Price

For the first time in ESO's history, the VLT will be pointed towards an object in the sky selected by members of the public the Thor's Helmet Nebula (NGC 2359). This striking nebula was selected as part of the Choose What the VLT Observes competition. Brigitte Bailleul, from France, won the Tweet Your Way to the VLT! competition, and will travel to the Paranal Observatory in Chile to help make the observations. The live link to Paranal will show the observations and the telescopes on the mountaintop, in the stunning landscape of the Atacama Desert, letting viewers join Brigitte on her trip of a lifetime.

The webcast will be streamed free of charge through Livestream, and anyone may view it simply by visiting ESO's Livestream page. By creating a free Livestream account, and following ESO, viewers will receive updates and reminders for this and future Livestream events from ESO.

Furthermore, venues across ESO's Member States and beyond are hosting public events on 5 October, with a wide range of local activities supplementing the webcast. A list of ESO 50th Anniversary event venues is available online.

The webcast will run from 11:00 to 17:00 (CEST) on 5 October. It will be hosted by astronomer and host of the ESOcasts Dr J (Dr Joe Liske, from ESO). In addition to the live link to the Paranal Observatory in Chile, there will be talks from astronomers at ESO's Headquarters in Germany, on topics ranging from ESO's state-of-the-art telescopes, via the latest news from the frontiers of astronomy, to what the life of an astronomer is like. Chapters from ESO's anniversary movie, Europe to the Stars, will also be shown. Throughout the day there will be question and answer sessions, and the chance to test your ESO knowledge in a quiz to win some astronomical prizes!

This webcast gives viewers a unique opportunity to see inside the world's most productive ground-based astronomical observatory, as we celebrate ESO's first 50 years of exploring the southern sky.

Members of the public are invited to ask questions about the activities at the Paranal Observatory, the talks of the day, or general questions about ESO. You can send us your questions before the event, or during the webcast, in English in the following ways:

  • Send a tweet @ESO, also using the hashtag #ESO50years
  • Write a question on your Facebook wall in which you tag ESO's Facebook page ( To tag a page you must first "like" the page and then type @ESO Astronomy in your question. A menu will appear from where you have the option to choose our page, ESO Astronomy. See an example of a tag ("via ESO Astronomy") on this post:
  • Send an email to with the subject ESO50years. Optionally, please include your name and country.




Douglas Pierce-Price
ESO Public Information Officer
Garching bei Mnchen, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6759

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Monday 1 October 2012

Popular antidepressant might prevent heart failure

ScienceDaily (Oct. 1, 2012) ? A medication usually used to help treat depression and anxiety disorders has the potential to help prevent heart failure, according to researchers at the University of Michigan.

John Tesmer, research professor at the U-M Life Sciences Institute and professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the U-M Medical School, and his research team at the Tesmer lab found that paroxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) sold under the name Paxil, inhibits G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2), a protein kinase that becomes over-expressed when people have heart failure.

Although so-called "off target" effects are known for many commonly used drugs, this is the first report that identifies a direct link between a specific SSRI and a protein target in the signal system they study, said Kristoff Homan, a postdoctoral fellow in Tesmer's lab.

The paper, "Paroxetine is a Direct Inhibitor of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 2 and Increases Myocardial Contractility," was published electronically ahead of print on Aug. 21 in ACS Chemical Biology.

The discovery almost did not happen. "It was completely serendipitous," Homan said.

Before beginning a larger search for compounds that would inhibit GRK2, the researchers screened a small library of approximately 2,000 compounds that contains many FDA-approved drugs as a test of their screening procedure -- and found that paroxetine binds to and inhibits the activity of GRK2.

GRK2 becomes increasingly expressed as the system that regulates normal heartbeat and the strength of the heart's contractions weakens. Paroxetine, the team found, improved the strength of the heart's contractions in an animal model without interfering with the heart rate.

Paroxetine is FDA-approved and has been clinically used as an SSRI for nearly 30 years, but at prescribed doses the compound probably does not inhibit GRK2 enough to be used for heart failure.

But if the researchers can identify modifications to the chemical structure of paroxetine that improve potency while decreasing SSRI activity, which Homan thinks they can do, the team hopes to start the process of optimization and to develop these compounds into therapeutic leads within the next several years, he said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Michigan.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. David M. Thal, Kristoff T. Homan, Jun Chen, Emily K. Wu, Patricia M. Hinkle, Z. Maggie Huang, J. Kurt Chuprun, Jianliang Song, Erhe Gao, Joseph Y. Cheung, Larry A. Sklar, Walter J. Koch, John J.G. Tesmer. Paroxetine Is a Direct Inhibitor of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 2 and Increases Myocardial Contractility. ACS Chemical Biology, 2012; 120821133243006 DOI: 10.1021/cb3003013

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Facebook Messenger Hits 2.0 to Fit Apple's Updates

Among the slew of changes in this updated chat utility, the first and most obvious alteration has to do with the new GUI that has been adopted to take greater control of the iPhone 5's larger screen. While some developers have chosen to simply just extend their current look to fit the larger palette, Messenger has retooled its look to add just a little bit more vertical presentation. With these specific changes you'll be able to get a much?? cleaner glimpse at your list of online friends, and the best news is you'll be able to have all of that extra room to look at without straining your eyes. It's a much needed improvement, and one that you'll probably get a much better idea of once you actually see for yourself.


In addition to utilizing the extra real estate, Facebook has also chosen to in some senses simplify the app by encouraging users to create a list that only includes the friends they communicate with the most. Obviously most of us have friend counts that can number within the several hundreds, so keeping that more refined tally will put less stress on you as well as the program itself. However, if you would rather that more complete showcase of every single one of your online friends, that can now be accessed by a new swiping gesture that will allow you to see all of your possible interactions at? once


Of course, as was with the standalone app, this one has been reworked from the ground up with iOS in mind, so expect some pretty noticeable speed improvements as well. Who's ready to chat with the new Messenger?


Tags: Facebook, facebook messenger, iPhone 5, iphone apps


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