Monday 1 October 2012

Facebook Messenger Hits 2.0 to Fit Apple's Updates

Among the slew of changes in this updated chat utility, the first and most obvious alteration has to do with the new GUI that has been adopted to take greater control of the iPhone 5's larger screen. While some developers have chosen to simply just extend their current look to fit the larger palette, Messenger has retooled its look to add just a little bit more vertical presentation. With these specific changes you'll be able to get a much?? cleaner glimpse at your list of online friends, and the best news is you'll be able to have all of that extra room to look at without straining your eyes. It's a much needed improvement, and one that you'll probably get a much better idea of once you actually see for yourself.


In addition to utilizing the extra real estate, Facebook has also chosen to in some senses simplify the app by encouraging users to create a list that only includes the friends they communicate with the most. Obviously most of us have friend counts that can number within the several hundreds, so keeping that more refined tally will put less stress on you as well as the program itself. However, if you would rather that more complete showcase of every single one of your online friends, that can now be accessed by a new swiping gesture that will allow you to see all of your possible interactions at? once


Of course, as was with the standalone app, this one has been reworked from the ground up with iOS in mind, so expect some pretty noticeable speed improvements as well. Who's ready to chat with the new Messenger?


Tags: Facebook, facebook messenger, iPhone 5, iphone apps


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