Sunday 23 December 2012

GLHFCasting ? auto insurance-40391

auto insurance 40391 There are more cars and drivers on the road each year. This could lead to a higher possibility of a car accident for you and your family. Car insurance can be the difference between a small setback and a large hassle. But why do you need to own insurance and just how much should you buy? Required coverage varies by state/province but usually includes the following: Liability: This type of insurance will pay for the damage that you are responsible for. These damages might include bodily injury, and property damage. Damages from bodily injury include medical fees, and lost wages. Property damage can refer to car repair costs or loss of use of property. It can also cover your legal fees if you are sued. Local laws usually mandate minimum amounts, but higher amounts are available and very beneficial. Personal Injury Protection: Personal injury protection pays for the medical treatment for you or other people in your car, no matter who was responsible for the collision. It is mandated in some states and optional in others. The minimum amount of personal injury protection is usually set by the state. Medical Payments: Medical payment coverage is available in non-no-fault states; it pays regardless of who may have been at fault. All necessary medical or funeral expenses will be covered under this type of coverage. Collision: Pays for damages to your car caused by an accident. Comprehensive: This type of insurance protection takes care of any damages not caused by a collision. This could include weather damage, vandalism, and robbery. Uninsured Motorist: If you are hit by a driver without insurance or a hit-and-run driver, this type of insurance will protect you. Under-Insured Motorist: Pays for collision expenses when an insured person is injured in an accident caused by a driver who does not have the right amount of insurance to pay for the full cost of the damages. Other kinds of car insurance, like emergency road service, can also be purchased.


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